Thursday 10 November 2016

Travel Malta

From this Saturday to the next I'll been in Malta to attend an intensive english course. They only are five days and I know they are a little days to improve, but I don't know what can I do to learn inglish, to can speak confident.

Last week I met several time with an argentine girl to speak each other, to 5€ hour, and I didn't feel satisfied with her.

I hope practice there during the five days witch lasts the course.

21/11/2016 I came back from Malta. I have been there seven days and it has seem to me two days since I have relaxed and I was thinking about my life. First of all I improved my english, it was my goal, because I have spoken more English this days than during all my life.

My sister went with me because I don't like to travel alone to a country where people don't speak my language. While I went to the English academy, She went to visit places which She hasn't been, since She has been in Malta five anys ago.

The first day was fantastic, like a film. We went had a drink and in the pub a band of rock music played a lot of song. The acoustic was very great, perfect! and the guitar was a crack and the singer too. Every table in the pub had a machine whit a botom which you can push it if you want to drink, that is, the waiter brought the drink at the table. Besides, on the screens of television you could watch fights of Conor Mcgregor. Moreover there weren't many people. In two words: very well ! Very well to contrast with the two last days that they were raining.

We was in Gozo and We saw ciutadella, Neolithic Temple, and The Azure Window. We were there from ten in the morning until ten o'clock at night: Beautiful!

Worst of Malta are their buses. You can waste more than one hour waiting a bus, and they drive very fast. When I say very fast, is VERY VERY FAST, travel by bus is dangerous. The drivers are very unfriendly. The bus service of Malta are Spanish now and  the Company needs a lot of worker to drive. One of them, who I met with him, He was malagueño and He said me that drivers not driving fast because they had hurry to get the next stop, and the free time are used for them to smoke and rest. 

Malta is beautiful and has an interesting history,  the price of drink and food is like Spain but clothes a little expensive, but I asked some people about life there and They said that they don't like.

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