My daughter is six years old, but my son is three, the next year enters at school. How sill can my son wait till 14h to eat ? Is it productive to have our children five hours straight studying? According to the teachers the new system only has advantages.
There are different situations:
1- There are children who parents work, both, and they will leave class at 17h.
2- There are children who one of the two doesn’t work, and then they will leave class at 14h.
3- There are children who one of the parents has a special schedule, and they will leave at 15:30h
This mean that parents workers' children will see how mates go home at 14h or 15.30h while they will have to be at school till 17h. And they will be there reading something or watching tv in Spain this say: "haciendo el mama".
On the other hand, are equal all public schools en la Comunidad Valenciana? The answer is NOT. In Castellón, there are three public schools which have implementation their educative system in English, and there are three or four public schools which children from three year can enter. I can’t believe it! This is a mad education system. So, while there will be many school which your pupils can will leave 14h, other schools their pupils will have to leave at 17h necessarily. THIS KIND OF THINGS ONLY THIS HAPPENS IN SPAIN? And then we want to compare our education level with other countries.
The other problem is the project which the school has presented in Conselleria de Educación. Reportedly, the school has presented a project different from we voted it yesterday, it mean, this project are modified and it is different which Conselleria has, but father wants to say nothing.
I have to say as well that the last year the school presented a project which was so bad that Conselleria denied it.
In the meeting, the school shows the project and the teachers who were couldn’t answer the parents’ question, they said: “this kind of questions just are known by subdirector, but he wasn’t here because he is doing other things”.
In the project the activities extracurricular are trash: reading, review, watch a film… That is to say: a teacher sitting and reading a newspaper, while children talk or draw. It a shame!
And If I normaly pick up my children at 15.30h and one day or two days, by circumstances I have to leave them, they go the other different activities from yours mates.
There are a lot of questions which teachers don’t know.
Reportedly, voted in favor 59%, this is democracy, and I have to obey.
Before end this article I want to say two things:
1- From Spain we want to compare with the rest of the Europe. It’s impossible when there, they have a high level in languages and music: play some instrument.
2- HAVE TEACHERS PRIOITIZED THEIR OWN PARTICULAR INTERESTS TO THOSE OF OUR CHILDREN? When the Isidoro Andrés School aren’t chose to implant English education, teachers said nothing, because they had to form, and they said nothing when this school was not chose to enter children to the three years, suddenly they study from 9h until 14h is the best and most important thing for our children.
If it is bad or good TIME WILL TELL.
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