Friday 16 December 2016

When people overtake the line called bullying

When people overtake the line called bullying

People usually don't realize when our children suffer bullying, or rather when this kind of thing that other children do to our children stop to be  "things of children", or "funny things"  to become offensive things that affect as to our children as to leave this activity or worse things. When we have a kid usually we leave to be objective, and everything your kid does they are good or funny things. If our kid laughs at another, this fact is an innocent mischief for us, and we rarely think about the other kid or kid's parents, because in most occasions parents get worse than their kid.

On the one hand it exist a bit approach to our children, to lack of time or character our children, which leads to ignorance about them, and when we realize problem it's too later.

On the other hand we not being able to act properly when we know it, because our kid or other person talk us about this problem, or even we see this bullying with our own eyes. 

As my opinion, I'm going to talk about a personal experience. A week ago, I was talking with a mother who takes her daughter to an activity after the school as me, it’s the same activity but different group. Her daughter is the only one of her class that goes to this activity because none her friends want to go, or they can it, so, by one thing or other. In this activity there are about fifteen mates and half of them they're going at the same school, and the others, most of them they're going to this activity two years. I have to say that this school is a private and elite school. Well, there are two girls, because it's an activity girls only, as her daughter is new, they say her "You are a stranger girl because you don't come with us to our school". "You are a stranger and you can't come or talk with us". These girls search the complicity of the rest and all of them laugh at her. The other day, they asked her "show us your hands", girl showed her hand, because she believed she was accepted by the group, and they said "look at, she has to be her, because she has red hands. She has been to thrown fart away". And all of them laughed.

Are small things they become big thing for the affected, even to change his or her character. Like a he feels hatred towards the activity and others activities, even to become more introverted.

Each one acts a different way, and which is the correct way?

  • Talking with activity's teacher?
  • Talking with other children, our kids’ mates?
  • Talking with the kids' mates' parents?
  • We should forget "time heals all" or "It will be fixed"

She said this things to her mother step by step, in different days. The girl don't want to go to this activity nevermore. Her mother talked about this to teacher but she didn't know how to remedy it because the stupid girls kept on. Her father wanted to go talking to parents of girls but mother didn't leave him. Nowadays, the girl didn't go to this activity, an activity he loved it, and when she arrived at her home she practiced the whole time.

To end:

  • Are the parents of stupid girls to blame ?
  • Are girls to blame ?
  • Is the education of private and elite school because make a ghetto?
  • Are the parents of girls to blame because they didn't knew how they have to react?
  • Maybe the instructor of group? Or general director because she should to hire instructors with psychology?
  • Aren’t there guilty?

The truth is the girl didn't want to sign on other activity such a music, drawing and so on. 

Tuesday 13 December 2016

English exam

bar 2010 english quimbo

One week ago, I did an English exam and yesterday the teacher gave me the result. I knew I haven't passed the the exam because, sincerely I haven't studied much. But in the exam had four parts, and I failed all, the four parts. This exam hadn't value, it was a ordinary test, although if it have value or not is irrelevant, because for the teacher is a good proof of our level; moreover, you can fail two parts or one part and he could think that you are able to impove, but if you fail all parts....

This exam was fail by a thirty percent of the class, that is to say the seventy percent of the class they passed it, many of them with a good note.

 But... the question is: I will be able to pass the exam in February.

The point is that, when I start to study, many times I don't know what I have to study and I get stressed. I try to read, write something, watch some English film... But many times I have the impresssions I waste the time because I don't advance, and... and... and many times I thing about dropping out my English estudies... 

Estuding English is practice and practice, and in Spain is imposible. If you want to learn you have to pay, and when you get off academy you can't practice with anybody.

All things I earned in Malta like a pronunciation, speak more fluency... I lost them, and all things I lose there, like a speak without shame and to spend money, I have forgotten them.

So, Yesterday I saw the exam and the whole world became black. I had a class of piano and my hands' fingers look feet. I took my daughter  to gym class and I didn't talk to anybody. I had to run, because I have the Castellon marathon in two month and when I arrived at home, I went straight at bed. I told my wife I didn't feel good.

I don't want to hate English, and I don't want to feel it's an obligation, I have to change my mind and from now I'll study hardly to pass my exam and I get my aim: I have level B2 of English this year.