Monday 10 October 2016

The Lovely Bones

Resultat d'imatges de desde mi cielo I read it a long time ago, but I was half, and now I want to finished it, and I have started read The diary of a young girl and this, and I don't know which is the hardest. I am read when She is already heaven. I'm reading in english and I'm very slow.

When I start something and there are a lot of words which I don't undertand, I get stress and I quit it because I don't enjoy. As this novel I have read in spanish, I leave it on a shelve and when I'll have a leve higher, I'll catch it again.

I need to improve my English, because I'm losing a lot of thing such as films, novels... They say when you listen a film in original version, you will never watch other translated film again

Sunday 9 October 2016

The Diary of a Young Girl

Resultat d'imatges

I have started The Diary of a Young Girl. I'm on date Tuesday 3 August 1943 of her diary and I have the creeps. It's too hard when you think about this kind of things were real.

10/10/2016 I have to read five pages to finish.

14/10/2006 I have just finish to read it, and if I have to describe it in two words: the creeps. The last pagina I have read four times while I was thinking that three days after, they taken her to a concentration camp, three days after, on Sunday. She was fifteen years, and She was falling in love of Peter. She wanted the war ended to retorn to school, he see the sun and continue her life. They lived two years hiding, and one by one were killed. 


In my city there will be a marathon in mid-February and I'm going to do it. It's a goal, a great goal for me because five months ago I smoked a lot and I didn't care at meals. Besides, I have two children who have two and six years old, and I haven't got any free time. I'm forty two years and last year I started to learn playing piano. I go to conservatory closed to my country, about twenty kilometres, twice a week and I take my daughter to artistic gymnastic twice a week. As I have said, I HAVEN'T TIME.

But for having a big mouth I have to do the marathon of Castellon is in mid-February 2017.

All started in a meal. I was with friends and we was talking about runnings, because one of them He is crazy for races. Other friend and I joked about doing the marathon and we betted a meal if we can do the whole marathon or not: 42 km. It's crazy, isn't it? My wife was angry because She was scared, She don't want that I ran 42 km. It's dangerous! She said to me. And the rest friends laughed.

Sum up: a bet.

Last year I did some races, about twenty races, between ten or fifteen kilometres, and one of twenty one. But I have never do a marathon nor I had thought doing it. Well, now it's late for regrets.

The bet is between three guys: Ramón and I, who are going to prepare to do it, and Miguel: the coach. Miguel run races a long time ago.

Miguel gave us that:

I have four moths

Yesterday I ran on my own, I did it very slowly about four kilometres, and today at 8h in the morning we have started, the three:

 Today has been the first day, the most important isn't if I'll do the marathon, the important for me is if I will be able to keep without smoking. 

14/10/2016 Two days ago, national holiday, I was running 12 km in 1:03min, I went at 8 a.m., and today at 7 a.m I ran too. 

I feel very good. The next day I'll sing the marathon.

10/11/2016 during last week I have more or less completed the training plan but Saturday I won't could follow it because I'll go Malta.
The maraton is two month away and I don't feel good to finish it.

Today I have to do series, that is to say, I have run durning 8 min. to 4:40h rhythm , series is the most tired for me.

21/11/2016 From 18 of November I could't run because I was to Malta. I have lost a little shape but I try to return to myself.

07/12/2016 Two month to marathon, and one word come hard in my mind: sacrifice. Sacrifice for the effort and the time, but  I can't forget the money either. The marathon of Castellón is worth fifty euros and I have signed up for a half marathon in Burriana , besides I have to buy other sneakers and sports supplements such as sweatpants and so on. Now I know, I realize what is it do a marathon: dedicate time of your free time, spend money, and sacrifice and time to rest.

Sunday I ran seven kilometres to climb a hill and another seven to down, very fast. And on Tuesday I did 'series': three series of two thousand metres. Tomorrow I'll do series in slopes.
These exercises I did with friends because it's easier than doing on my own, and they have experience and they say me how I have to do it. With company or not I'm finishing so weary.
From now I'm trying to follow the planning, the three sheets which are higher, because my trip to Malta broke me any planification what I was thought.
On the other hand, I feel better than before the preparation. My health thanks me it. I have lost weight and I try to eat well-ajusted.

I'm not joking if I say that my girlfriend said me we have to married before of the marathon, if not we can to do it we can do couple in fact and the next year we'll married formally. She is right because we have two children and if I would pass me something she would has a lot of problems bureaucracy such as our flat, bank account... I say account in singular because we have little money, and the flat half paid.
So we have to go to the couple in fact registry and we'll pay sixty euros before the marathon.

09/12/2016 Yesterday It was holiday in my country, and I went to run. According to the planning I had to do series, but this kind of series in climb. I did it. With two gays We went to park of Villarreal. It's a large park, I have never been there, and it's a place where the air is pure and there are a lot of people running, and It's an ideal place to children, because there so much swings. There is a prolonged slope about one kilometer. This slope we climb it eight times, very fast. Today I pain the whole bones and muscles.

Today is a time to relax, and tomorrow I'll hope to do 110 minutes running. The first forty minuts to six minuts for kilometres, the following forty I want to run at an equal pace to the marathon, that is to five minutes and forty seconds, and the last kilometres under five minutes and thirty seconds.

Eighteen of December I have a mig marathon in Burriana, and I want to run to five minutes and ten seconds to kilometer.

13/12/2016 Yesterday I had to run but as I failed my English proof I didn't run either do other thing different to sleeping. I didn't feel like to run. Today I have to do it, because in five days I have to run the half marathon in Burriana. So without eating, because I won't have time for that, about three o'clok in the afternoon, I'll go out to run series: four series of two kilometres about four minutes and twenty seconds per serie.

To be able to do this, run this afternoon, I have to leave my son with my father, I can't eat, and before half past six, as seven o'clok I have teoric class of piano till eight, I have to take my son with my wife. Therefore, I'll finish my day too tired to study English.

14/12/2016 Got it! Yesterday I had series and I did them. They were four series between four minutes and twenty seconds per kilometre and four minutes and thirty-four second. I did the three firsts under the time, but I did the last serie to four minutes thirty-eight, I couldn't more. If I'm honest I wanted to give up when I was running in the first serie. I didn't feel good, but not, I kept on and while I take a shower I prouded myself.  

Today I still not convinced if I'll be able to finish it, running forty-two kilometres are too much, but I'll try it with all my strengths. It's dangerous because yesterday there were moments witch I felt my heart, I heard it. It said me: stop, but I saw pulsometer and I ran to one hundred and sixty-six pulsations, and I kept on; but my breathing yelled very loud.

When I arrived at home, I ate something and I went to Burriana to teoric piano classes, and when I came back at home. I so tired, in spite that I had time to practiced to play the piano a little and I went to bed.

This afternoon I'll go a bit  to the gym, and after that I'll take my daughter to ritmica.

I don't want to think about the seventy minuts witch I have to run tomorrow.

16/12/2016  There is weather warning and reportedly, Sunday it's probably the Burriana's race is going to cancel. I need to do this half marathon because it's one more step to prepare my goal. So, yesterday I ran almost thirty kilometres, I was running one hour and ten minutes. I ran to five minutes with five second per kilometre. I felt well. Now, my planing depends on this Sunday, so, what will in Burriana happend.

19/12/2016  Finally, the half marathon of Burriana was called off for the bad weather. It was a bad news for me because I should do twenty-one kilometres anyway. So Sunday I woke up about nine o'clok and it was sunny, I wore my sport clothes and with my clock I was starting to run. The first kilometres, althought it was a bit windy, they were good, but about the ten kilometres it was started to rain and in the sixteen kilometre I could any more. I quited it and I went at home very wet.

When I arrive at home I took a Couldina and I had a hot shower. Before that, I made arroz al horno. My brother and my father came my home and they said the rice was fantastic.

Today I feel good and I going to go to the gym a little.

Finally I did it, I  finished the race with a time of 4h 28 min.